Birds, raccoons, skunks, squirrels and other wildlife all need a place to call home and to raise their young. Unfortunately, places like your attic, chimney, under your deck or even in your basement are often the locations they choose. They don’t mean any harm and it’s only about survival, but when wild animals and humans come together it’s always a potentially dangerous situation.

Risks to Your Family
Wild animals are called that for a reason, and no matter how cute they may look, they can be dangerous. Regardless of the species, they may carry different diseases or viruses that pose a risk to your family’s health. Some wild animals are also capable of causing injury if they feel threatened in any way.

Risks to Your Property
Long, cold winters help make wildlife removal in Edmonton a year-round issue because so many animals need a warm place to stay. The property risks are pretty numerous and include torn up insulation, damaged shingles, damaged beams or wooden decks and chewed-up wiring.
Types of Wildlife
Although many of these furry little creatures can sometimes be portrayed as cute and cuddly, they are in fact the opposite.
Skunks, Squirrels, and even Chipmunks can be a real pain in the neck to deal with. Here is a list of the most common kinds of wildlife you may run into.

Squirrels – Squirrels are small mammals that may be grey, red or even jet black in certain areas. Squirrels typically known as tree dwellers, and while they rarely pose a direct danger to humans, they can cause a lot of damage to your property.
Squirrels scurrying around in your attic may disrupt your sleep, and they are known for chewing through wires and tearing up insulation. If you suspect you have squirrels in your attic or elsewhere, call for a Free Quote because if every entry point is not addressed, they may return.

Chipmunks- Chipmunks are similar to squirrels in body type and mannerisms, but they are smaller and are usually light brown with white and dark brown stripes down their backs. They are known for storing nuts and other food in their cheeks as they forage.
The size of a chipmunk enables it to get into very small openings and they will nest in your attic or even in the walls if the opportunity presents itself. Chipmunks are generally harmless, but destructive so if you believe they’re in your home, call for a Free Quote today.

Skunks – A skunk is a medium-sized mammal that is usually black, with white stripes down its back and often continuing down the length of its bushy tail. Skunks have long, sharp front claws for digging and are capable of biting, but the business end of the skunk is at the back.
Skunks have scent glands that enable them to spray a liquid with a very strong, unmistakable odour as a means of self-defense. Most people have probably ‘smelled a skunk’ before, but until you smell it up close you don’t really know how powerful it is. Skunks make dens in attics and other convenient urban locations. They usually won’t bite, but can carry rabies, so it is best to avoid them and call for a Free Quote.

Raccoons – Raccoons are medium-sized mammals that are a common site in communities all across North America. They are often referred to as “masked bandits” because of the markings around their eyes and their propensity to sift through garbage and take whatever they need.
Raccoons are intelligent and are known to make dens just about anywhere, including attics and other available spaces around your property. Although they seem cute and cuddly, they can be dangerous and may carry diseases such as rabies, so it’s always best to avoid them and call for a Free Quote as soon as possible.

Opossums –
Opossums are the only marsupial found in North America. This means the females carry their young in a pouch, similar to a kangaroo. Opossums also have a prehensile tail, so they can hang upside down if they so desire. They are usually grey and white with a pink nose, and can grow to the size of large house cat.
Opossums are slow moving, but climb well and are known to live in attics or under sheds, porches and decks. They will eat almost anything, can carry a variety of parasites and diseases and are known as “unclean” animals. Call for a Free Quote if you suspect opossums are living somewhere on your property

Bats - Bats come in many different species, but they are the only mammal that is able to fly naturally for sustained distances. A bat’s head resembles a mouse and its forelimbs make webbed wings, so they aren’t often confused with any other animal.
Bats are able to enter your home through small openings in vents, soffits or other areas. If you’ve never seen dozens of bats hanging in an attic, it’s quite a sight. If you suspect bats have taken up residence in your attic, call for a Free Quote.

Opossums –
Opossums are the only marsupial found in North America. This means the females carry their young in a pouch, similar to a kangaroo. Opossums also have a prehensile tail, so they can hang upside down if they so desire. They are usually grey and white with a pink nose, and can grow to the size of large house cat.
Opossums are slow moving, but climb well and are known to live in attics or under sheds, porches and decks. They will eat almost anything, can carry a variety of parasites and diseases and are known as “unclean” animals. Call for a Free Quote if you suspect opossums are living somewhere on your property

Badgers –
A badger is basically a larger version of a weasel that average around 14 lbs. Badgers are thick and muscular with a triangular head and pointed nose. They have thick, grayish fur on their body short, white and black fur on their face.
Badgers can end up burrowing their way under your shed, porch, deck or even your house. They are known as fierce fighters, especially when they feel a threat toward their young. If you encounter a badger on your property or think they may have babies around, don’t approach. Call for a Free Quote and professional removal.
Porcupines – The porcupine is instantly recognizable by the hundreds of sharp quills on its back, sides and tail. These quills usually lie flat on the porcupine’s body until it is threatened, when they will stand up to deter an attack.
Porcupines will usually flee rather than fight, and are more a threat to pets than to humans. The quills on a porcupine detach easily, so if your dog or cat get too close they may come away with a face full of painful needles. Once they are in, they’re difficult to remove so if you’ve seen a porcupine around, call for a Free Quote.

Groundhogs –
Groundhogs or woodchucks as they are sometimes called, are usually light or dark brown and adults average around 10 lbs. They are notorious diggers and as strict vegetarians will destroy gardens looking for food. They hibernate all winter and many people like to follow the Groundhog Day spring prediction ritual every February 2nd.
Along with ruining your garden, groundhogs may end up weakening decks or porches if they remove enough supporting dirt through their digging. If you’ve seen a groundhog around your property or have some of the telltale signs, call for a Free Quote before any real damage occurs.

Moles – Moles are small animals that are cylindrical in shape and have noticeably large front paws for digging. They are notorious for tunneling and will dig underground tunnels all over your yard. Moles live underground, and while they won’t damage your house or threaten the safety of your family, they will make a mess of your yard.
Some of the telltale signs of moles in your yard include ridges of grass sticking up from underground tunnels. You may also notice piles of dirt known as “mole hills” or the ground might feel soft and spongy. If you’ve seen any of these signs, call for a Free Quote.