4 Myths About Wasps Every Homeowner Should Know
By understanding more about wasps, you can ensure your home and family are protected should you encounter wasps in your area. Our experts...
What to Do If You Notice a Wasps’ Nest on Your Property?
Wasps are considered one of the most common pests found in and around the Canadian home. But if they build a nest within the property,...
4 Bed Bug Myths All Homeowners Should Know
Bed bugs are a common concern throughout Canada. And they have a significant impact during an infestation, causing itchy skin with their...
If I See One Mouse in My Home, Is There More?
Unfortunately, the research shows that if you have one mouse in the home, there are likely many more in and around the property. This...
How to Prevent Birds Nesting in Different Areas of Your Home
Birds can be a welcome sight around your garden when they’re in the trees and nesting with their young. But when they begin nesting...
Can I DIY My Bed Bug Removal?
Bed bug removal is a process that can become exceptionally complex. While you might find numerous DIY solutions online. There are no ways...
Can a Wasp Infestation Damage My Home?
Wasps are considered to be more of an annoying pest than a tangible danger to your home. While they can sting and cause irritation, wasps...
4 Wasp Prevention Tips You Can Use
Wasps present a hazard around the home, particularly for those with small children and pets. It’s imperative that you have wasp...
Which Birds are a Nuisance in Canada Besides Pigeons?
Birds might provide your garden with a warm ambiance during those springtime and summertime days, but many homeowners have discovered...
What are the Risks of Birds Nesting in my Attic?
While birds might bring a sense of vitality and calm to your garden, when they get inside the home, they can have a far more negative...