What Steps Should I Take When I First Notice Bedbugs?
Once bitten - Call pest control! If you’ve identified you have bedbugs and live in a multi-unit building, urban municipality or rural...

Spring Checklist for Determining If Rodents Made a Winter Home in Your House
Rodents can take up lodging in your home over winter without you noticing. They can nest in lofts, attics, laundry areas, basements or...

What is the Life Cycle of the Average Bedbug?
A bedbug’s lifecycle from egg to fully-grown is 6 to 17-21 days. They go through 5 stages in this time, and depending on how they feed,...

Why You Should Never Feed Pigeons Around Your Home or in the City
Pigeons are not pets! Feral pigeon nuisance is becoming a major problem in North America. They are not afraid of people and roost in...

What Is Bird-Friendly Glass?
Every spring season, thousands of birds will begin taking up nesting, especially in large cities with elegant rooftop gardens, or large...

Is a Bedbug Infestation Dangerous?
Bedbugs are not dangerous but can cause ill health effects such as allergies, infection, insomnia and a weakening of the immune system if...

Important Travel Tips to Prevent Bringing Bedbugs Home
You arrive at your destination. You don’t unpack yet because you must first inspect the bed and pull back the bedding, mattress cover,...

How Quickly Can a Mouse Infestation Get Out of Hand?
Mouse infestations are typically more common than rat infestations, and you can easily be overrun with the tiny rodents any time of the...
Diseases that May be Carried by Pigeons In Your Area
Environmental pollution from bird feces can cause disease in humans. One of the most common diseases is a systemic fungal infection...

3 Ways to Discourage Pigeons from Roosting and Nesting Near Your Business
Is your architecture going to the birds? They are called ‘nuisance pigeons’ because they need only a small amount of shelter, and nest...