Sometimes, it is the smallest of creatures that cause the biggest problems. Technically, any animal that gets into your home or business and disrupts your life is a pest, but there’s something about certain rodents and insects that takes the discomfort factor to the next level. As experienced Edmonton pest removal experts, we have seen just about every type of infestation imaginable, and know why expert service is an absolute must.
Types of Insects
Ants – Ants are easily recognizable crawling insects that come in a variety of species, including pharaoh ants and sugar ants. They are known for creating colonies that may range in size from a few dozen to millions. Ant colonies typically contain soldiers, workers, drones and queens. When you watch them in action, ants seem to work in unison, knowing their roles to help the colony. Ants have been around for millions of years, and are challenging to get rid of without professional assistance. Call today for a Free Quote

Moths – Both webbing and case making clothes moths are prevalent in Canada. Case making clothes moths are a brownish-golden colour with three dark spots on each wing. Its wings are long and narrow. Webbing clothes moths are slightly smaller with long narrow wings and a golden colour, only they have reddish hairs on the top of their heads. Clothes moths will damage materials made from animals or plants, and an infestation can be quite costly. If you need help with moth removal, call today for a Free Quote.
Bees and Wasps – Both bees and wasps can cause problems for residential and commercial properties during the warmer months. Bees and wasps look similar and are often confused for one another, but they are not the same at all. Bees have tiny hairs on their bodies and legs to help them collect pollen and nectar, while wasps don’t have any hairs.
Wasps are carnivorous, eating smaller insects and spiders. Most species build paper nests, with the larger hornets building nests that may be as big as a basketball. Bees have nests in different places depending on the species. Carpenter bees tunnel into wood and bumble bees have nests underground. Honey bees are crucial to the health of the environment as they pollinate crops and flowers.
All bees and wasps are capable of stinging humans, and fatalities have been reported when large swarms have attacked people. If you have a bee or wasp problem, call for a Free Quote as soon as possible.

Centipedes – Centipedes are long and flat, with scores of tiny legs on either side of their bodies. They prefer humid environments and are often found in basements and crawlspaces. They are usually beneficial to homeowners, because they eat other insects inside the home. They have been known to sting people occasionally, so if you are wary of this or just find the thought of them in your house unsettling, call for a Free Quote and professional removal
Ants – Ants are easily recognizable crawling insects that come in a variety of species, including pharaoh ants and sugar ants. They are known for creating colonies that may range in size from a few dozen to millions. Ant colonies typically contain soldiers, workers, drones and queens. When you watch them in action, ants seem to work in unison, knowing their roles to help the colony. Ants have been around for millions of years, and are challenging to get rid of without professional assistance. Call today for a Free Quote
House Fly- The common house fly is a regular pest in homes all over the world. They have the propensity to carry serious bacteria, parasites and viruses, and can be quite difficult to get rid of once they have infested a particular area. House flies start off as tiny white maggots, feeding on dead or decaying matter. Their life cycles are short, but their numbers make up for it. If you have a house fly infestation in your home or business, call for a Free Quote and have them professionally removed.

Beetles – Beetles come in a multitude of different species, but two of the more common in Canadian homes include carpet beetles and flour beetles. Carpet beetles damage fabrics such as wool, fur or silks. They are often found in heating ducts, attics, inside walls and in appliances.
Flour beetles come in a few different varieties, and get their name because they’re often found right in bags of flour in your kitchen or pantry. They also frequent cereal boxes, oatmeal and similar products. If you notice either one of these beetles in your home, call for a Free Quote today

When to Call...
Since pests like mice, rats and most insects reproduce at an alarming rate, it’s always a good idea to take advantage of our Free Quote and call as soon as you become aware of a problem. There is no risk, so call today before it really becomes a problem.

Silver- A silverfish is a wingless, silver / grey insect with long antennae that wiggles like a fish as it moves along a surface. They can live from two to eight years and are often found in areas with high humidity, such as basements, sinks, bathtubs, showers and attics. Call for a Free Quote if you need help removing silverfish from your home.
Aphids – Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects that wreak havoc in gardens and on trees. They come in many different species and are usually green yellow, red, black or white. Aphids suck sap from leaves, stems, twigs and roots and may spread plant diseases. Aphid infestations have the potential to spread quickly if it is not contained in the early stages. If you notice colonies of aphids on branch tips or the underside of leaves, call for a Free Quote today.

Cockroaches – Cockroaches are one of the most infamous household pests, often associated with filthy surroundings. There are many varieties of cockroach, each with six legs and two antennae. Cockroaches generally emit a foul odor and have been linked to allergic reactions in humans.
Once a cockroach infestation has occurred, getting rid of them can be a challenge. They are survivors, eating the same foods as humans and even living up to three months without any food. If you’ve seen a cockroach in your kitchen or anywhere in your home or business, there are likely more, so call for a Free Quote and professional removal.

Earwigs – Earwigs are insects with long slender bodies, six legs and a pair of pincers on the back end. Many people find their appearance frightening, but they don’t pose any real danger to humans. In fact, they are often helpful at scavenging insect larvae and different decaying matter around the house. They can show up in large numbers during the hotter months and can get in through the narrowest of openings. If their presence is unsettling, call for a Free Quote and have them removed professionally
Ants – Ants are easily recognizable crawling insects that come in a variety of species, including pharaoh ants and sugar ants. They are known for creating colonies that may range in size from a few dozen to millions. Ant colonies typically contain soldiers, workers, drones and queens. When you watch them in action, ants seem to work in unison, knowing their roles to help the colony. Ants have been around for millions of years, and are challenging to get rid of without professional assistance. Call today for a Free Quote
Fleas – Fleas are tiny insects, only growing to about 1/8”. They are synonymous with pets, but sometimes are also present when no pets are in the home. Fleas may carry parasites and inflict bites on humans. A flea bite may produce mild itching or redness for humans, but they have been known to cause smaller pets to become anemic from consuming too much of the pet’s blood. If it seems like you have a flea problem, call for a Free Quote today

Termites – Termites are probably the most destructive insects to urban areas, causing over $1 billion dollars of damage across North America each year. Termites are often confused with different species of ants, and are broken into soldiers, workers and reproducers within the colony.
Termites are highly adaptable and their job is to break down wood. They can’t differentiate between the wood in the forest and the wood in your house, so if you have an infestation, serious damage can occur. Termites work 24 hours a day, so if you suspect an infestation, call for a Free Quote as soon as possible.

Spiders – There are thousands of species of spider around the world, and many people are frightened of every single one. Luckily, none of the deadly spiders from around the world are found in Canada, but several different varieties can still take up residence inside your home. Some of the more common include the common house spider, cellar spider, sac spider and wolf spider. Spiders are often beneficial because they eat other insects, but if you find their presence unnerving, call for a Free Quote and we will remove them for you.